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Interested in learning how I researched the sailing scenes I wrote in Not-So-Perfect Princess? Go here if you want to find out more. To be entered in my giveaway, remember to post a comment. Thanks!
My son has not been feeling well. The doctor thinks it's allergies not a sinus infection. Fingers crossed since he's like me and it takes forever to clear his passages of infection when he gets one! He was feeling a little better last night so we went out to his fave restaurant The Olive Garden. We just wanted him to smile again. That's been missing for a couple of days now. On the way home, we picked up a chocolate cake for dessert and a movie from Redbox (Gnomeo and Juliet.) It was a fun family evening.
I still haven't managed to get my computer replaced so I have a very limited time to use it. I'm limiting that time to the blog tour and writing. I was within a mile of an Apple Store, but my son just wanted to go home and rest so that's what I did! At this rate, I'll just wait until the new stuff is announced on the 14th. At least I hope that's the date.
Anything going on with you?