Wednesday, July 27, 2011


funny pictures - Hmmm...If I break a lamp & no one is around  to hear it break...did I really break it?
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I wish the only thing broken around here was a lamp. Unfortunately it's my son's arm. I took him to practice at Mount Hood Community College to swim in the 50 m pool they use during the summer long course season. We ended up in the ER at Mount Hood Medical Center. The x-ray showed a break in his left arm.

Today we should be heading to Eugene so he could swim in the Long Course Championships (aka State.) But that's not going to be happening now. On Friday, we see a pediatric orthopedist.

Poor kid.

I've got something I need to do this morning, but I'll fill in the story more later. Prayers for him (both physical and mental healing) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!