see more Lolcats and funny pictures
I'm at Delaney Diamond's blog talking about why I write sweet romances. Here's the link to get there!
Yesterday was one of those days I'd like to forget. The animals were out to get me. Okay, not really. But that's how it felt. Maybe a couple of them were jealous by my tour blog about Yoda. Who knows? But one of the cats used my new bookbag from the RWA conference as a litterbox. I've been carrying this bag around since I got home. I love the bag. Zipper. Pockets. A place for water bottles. And it's big enough that everything fits inside, including my Mac!
As I was on the phone, one of the kidlets came in with a stricken look on her face. Chaos had gotten into something pink. Turns out it was actually something red. Those little tablets the dentist gives kids to make sure they don't miss any spots brushing. Chaos had found the bag from the dentist. I guess she thought they were candy (she has a sweet tooth) because she'd eaten at least one of them. I don't think she liked it because her front paws and legs were all red as if she'd tried to wipe her mouth. It stained the carpet too.
Needless to say one of the kidlets freaked out because Chaos has a show this weekend. She was also sure Chaos would die from it.
The dog shampoo did nothing so I had to use our shampoo. It didn't take too long to scrub all the red out. Then I opened one of our new toothbrushes and scrubbed her teeth until the red disappeared. Chaos didn't like that.
Of course, this happened during lunch time when I only had a few minutes at home between swim practice and piano lessons. But I managed to get it all done and was only a few minutes late to piano.
I sure hope things go a little better today!