see more Lolcats and funny pictures
I haven't climbed in so long I can't really call myself a climber any longer, but this LOLcat made me smile! So cute!
I revised and rewrote and polished my wip yesterday. I'll be doing the same this morning. Then it's time to hit the Fair. 4H begins today for my daughter. It's a crazy schedule, but I know how to manage it better after last year. I'll be taking a paper copy of my manuscript as well as my Alphasmart so I can work when I don't have a shift supervising the kids doing herdmanship duty.
All the kidlets are looking forward to the rides and the food so we'll find a time when she has nothing going on to attend as a family! I'm looking forward to that even though rides that jerk or spin or go upside down aren't on my To Do list. Do you like to ride those kinds of things?
Time to get some work done before we have to head out. Have a great Monday!