see more Lolcats and funny pictures
I realized I never posted the newest Norwegian Elkhound puppy pics. I'll move that up on my To Do list. Pretty much all I've been doing is writing.
The family had a great time at the lake with our neighbors. They had fun speeding around the water all day. I was a little worried when six o'clock rolled around yesterday evening and I hadn't heard from them. Hubby called on the drive home to tell me all three kidlets were sound asleep and what should he pick up for dinner. I told him something easy and inexpensive so he swung by Wendy's.
It's hard to believe the end of August is almost here. The months keep speeding by faster and faster. I had a goal I wanted to be at with my word count on September 1st. I won't make it, but I want to be closer to it than I am right now. Time to get writing!
Hope you have a nice Monday. The temperatures are supposed to cool off a bit here this week. How's the weather where you are?