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I don't watch much TV (usually an hour a week) but since it's premiere week for many shows I did check out the first hour of Sing-Off on Monday and New Girl last night. Still haven't found a must-see each week show like The Event last season, but I haven't been searching too hard with the book being due.
Of course, I don't get much time off. Very shortly I'll be jumping into a new story. It's due in early January so if I don't get busy with it I won't be able to take off a few days around Christmastime!
But today's the full return of crazy Wednesdays (both the classes I teach at church start today) plus all the kidlet stuff. It figures this is the one day that hubby has to go west of Portland for business meetings. That means the kidlets will have to miss stuff tonight (i.e. soccer) because I can't be in two places at once. I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come!
Have a great day! I hope your Wednesday is relaxing, not crazy!