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I have not yet abandoned all hope, but it's touch and go at this point. Deadline crunch time is here. Even the cats and dog have figured that out.
I woke up with all four nearby, waiting to be fed so they can join me on another day long marathon writing and revising session. Yes, my three cats and one dog love when I'm on deadline. They much prefer to have me stuck in one place where they can sleep by or on me and come for love whenever they like.
Or treats. Yes, I keep treats handy for all of us during deadline time. Works wonders for motivation!
Speaking of kitties and food, I'm switching Spirit's food over to a different one the vet recommended. If that doesn't work, I may attempt making my own. I tried a raw food diet years ago, but she wouldn't touch the stuff. She's a dry cat food eater only. But she will eat baby food turkey and regular human baked/boiled/grilled chicken so as soon as this book is off on Monday, I'll be scouring the Internet and my own files for ideas.
Before I begin my writing for the day, I wanted to share a link with you. It came across my Facebook Newsfeed last night. It's so funny. I don't know if it's Photoshopped or real, but it cracked me up. I'm Catholic so maybe that's why it tickled my funny bone so much.
Take a look at the signs out front of two churches across the street from each other here.
Have a great day! Are you doing anything fun? If so, please share. I have fun writing, but the pressure is mounting.