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On of my little hoominz is getting tired of hanging on the couch and having compresses put on his leg. But it's looking so much better. Not the wound itself. That's nasty, but the swelling and redness. We get test results back today. Fingers crossed.
With my iBook on my lap, I sat with my son yesterday and worked (and changed compresses) while he watched I Am Number Four on DVD. We both enjoyed the movie. It made me wonder what the book series is like.
Something good finally happened yesterday. It seems lately everything has been not-so-good. The UPS man delivered a box from Harlequin. My July release. I always get this warm and fuzzy feeling when I open the box and pick a book up. The excitement never changes even though I've published many books. It's the same as it was the very first time!
That pretty much covers my day. How was yours?