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I want to have a swagger like the LOLcat above. But I'm not the swaggering type. I'm the walk softly so no one notices me until I stumble and fall flat on my butt type. So not fair!
I've been preparing for the RWA conference. Gathering all my stuff and making sure I don't need anything else. I now know why I don't go to every single conference. It's too much work getting ready!
Yesterday's invite about the eHarlequin Pajama Party prompted a run to Kohl's for new jammies. None of my old ones would work. They run more towards the flannel type to keep me warm (I'm always cold!) so I needed something a little summery. I got a cute pair. The top is blue the bottoms striped with different colors. The kidlets preferred hot pink ones with little hot dog type doggie on them. Those would have looked great on them. Not me.
Today I'll get everything together for the big literacy signing next Tuesday afternoon/early evening. If you're in New York be sure to stop by the Marriott Times Square. The event is free. All proceeds from book sales will be donated to literacy. Lots of authors will be signing books and passing out promo items. I'll have my romance trading cards to giveaway!
What's going on with you?