If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know I love to do research for my books. I've become an expert googler and have no problem emailing or phoning someone if I think they can help me with a book. I sometimes go overboard (see Win, Lose or Wed!, my 12/07 release for an example), but to me the effort is worthwhile. Anything to make sure things are possible and believable.
I took notes but mainly to jot my memory so I could transcribe the notes in my head. I didn't have a lot of specific questions (those will come as I get into the book more), but wanted to listen and watch them interact. The topics ranged from climbing, rescues (three were involved in the helicopter crash a few years ago), relationships, family, etc. Talk about an informative evening!
As I listened to them, scenes kept popping into my head. Characters started coming alive. It was so awesome. Needless to say, I couldn't stop thinking about the book on the drive home. Considering it's been so hard to get my brain wrapped around the book these past couple of weeks, this is exactly what I needed.
Hope you have a great Tuesday! Mine's looking pretty good so far!