Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer's Almost Here

Today is the older two kids' last full day of school. It's also the last day of wearing their full uniforms. Next year daughter graduates from jumpers to skirts. She's excited about that. Tomorrow the kids have a half day and get to wear their PE clothes since it's also Field Day.

I'm looking forward to summer. I love having the kids around, but this is the first time in a few years that I've also had a deadline over summer. I realized one of my problem with The Plan last night. I'm not keeping track of my writing time, just the pages. So I'm adding seven columns to track hours over a week. At least this way I can see if my time estimates are close or not.

I mentioned in the comment section that I need to find inspiration for my hottie SAR hero, Matt Porter. I know who he is personality wise, but what he looks like is still a mystery. I found a picture of a real-life search-and-rescue hottie while googling. He would work great, but I've never really used someone who wasn't well, in the public eye before. This guy is a total stranger and would never know, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I'm going to keep looking though.

Link of the day: For the writers out there, check out this hilarious post on hero archetypes on Romancing the Blog.

Today's schedule: Play with little one, climbing at the gym (a different one than I've gone to before, but they have childcare), writing during nap time, piano lesson for son and Starbuck's visit for the rest of us while we wait. What are you doing today?