Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Angus and the Cats

Given the imminent arrival of Chaos, I decided to see what the cats' reaction would be to a dog. I held onto Angus' collar and brought him into the cat's sanctuary, aka as our bedroom.

To my surprise, nothing happened.

Spirit didn't move until Angus took a step toward her. Then she only raised her head and looked at him. Rocket continued lying in the laundry basket.

I brought Angus a little closer. Spirit held her ground, but hissed. When I brought Angus toward Rocket, he had the same reaction as Spirit. Hissing, that was all. I was so worried they might run! Huge sigh of relief.

Poor Angus though. I think he thought he'd found new friends to play with. Of course, what he really wanted to do was make a bee-line for the bathroom where the cat food was!

Here's a clip with some really cute cat pictures. I like the song, too.

I'm spending another day in bed, what about you?