You might think our life is chaotic enough without adding more chaos to it. True, but this Chaos is different and if her name is anything to go by, she will fit in just fine.
We left on our spring break vacation the day after we met her and the entire trip, she kept coming up in discussion. More than once while we were doing something, it felt as if something were missing and we all realized it was her. Hubby and I exchanged cards for our anniversary yesterday, but finding out we could get Chaos was the best gift we could have given each other and our family.
Needless to say, I was so excited last night, it was hard to sleep. I'm dragging a little today, but I don't care. Happiness trumps tiredness hands down.
We haven't told the kids yet. Everyday I get asked about Chaos. Yesterday, Rose asked if Chaos had her operation yet. If they knew she was coming to live with us, it would be non-stop questions until she arrived. I can only take so much so I'm going to wait until it's a little closer to give them the news or we might just surprise them. We haven't decided yet. Any thoughts on that?
Also, we'll be entering a whole new world with Chaos and want to be the best family we can for her. Does anyone have any doggy suggestions for me? Also any suggestions on introducing her to the three cats would be appreciated!