This one is about random things. Since I'm pretty random, I thought this would be easier than some of the other ones I've seen. Here are the rules:
Tagging Rules:
a. Link to the person who tagged you.
b. Post the rules on your blog.
c. Write six random things about yourself.
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
e. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are my six Random Thoughts:
1. I think donuts are the perfect breakfast food. If they have chocolate and sprinkles even better. Add fruit to the plate and you've got three of the food groups! The kidlets agree with me.
2. I'm not big on buying myself things (unless I need something specific for a reason or it involves climbing or skiing) but I love to shop for other people. Whether I'm buying gifts or a friend asks for help putting together a new wardrobe, I could shop all day, not eat a thing and not get tired!
3. I was on the field during The Play. It was the Big Game between Stanford and Cal with four seconds left. My freshman year. I played clarinet in the Stanford Band (aka LSJUMB). We were standing near the field waiting for the game to be over so we could play. The clock ticked down, the play was over and we'd won! We started celebrating by storming the field. We weren't the only ones either. We just happened to be in Cal's end zone. One problem, the game kept going. And the rest, as they say, is history.
4. I haven't met many celebrities, but I did meet Hayden Christensen at Circus, Circus in Reno, Nevada (you can read about it in my July '05 archive) and Robbie Williams at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in London back in summer 1996. I was introduced to him as a girl from San Francisco who had no idea who he was. Robbie was very nice and posed for pictures with me. Other people saw us, realized who he was and came over. One of the people I was with sent me a Take That cd when I returned home and I figured out I had heard one of their songs on the radio.
The very first song I ever used as I wrote a book came off that cd and it was sung by Robbie! It was for my second book If the Ring Fits... and this is it.
5. Even though I'm getting a dog tonight, I'm a total cat lady. Though I'm not single and don't wear white turtlenecks (though I wear blue ones!), I wear clogs.
6. I'm not a big TV watcher, but I couldn't live without music.
And my tags are going to:
2. Dru
3. Brandy
4. Sarita Leone
5. Marianne Arkins
6. Devon Ellington, who I'm sure has no clue who I am, but I read her blog!
Have a great Saturday!