Not being able to do much when my head was all stuffy gave me some time to visit and play at my favorite time wasters. I hadn't been to a few in a while. I stopped by Free Rice and Websudoku, but didn't stay long. Both of those required thinking. So I headed to YouTube where I hit the jackpot!
I found the perfect song for my heroine's character and the first song for the book's soundtrack that I use when I'm writing. Even better, Pride and Prejudice clips are set to the music. How perfect is that?
With that in mind, I tried to picture what she looked like. I came up with that, too. Scarlett Johansson!
So even though I didn't get a lot of pages written, this will help me. Listening to the songs are a quick way to put me into the story so I can start writing right away.
I still haven't figured out who will be the inspiration for my hero. He's a web developer. Irish descent. Dark hair with green eyes. Have any suggestions for me?