more cat pictures
It's been a couple of months now since Chaos arrived and things still aren't going that great with the three cats. They take great joy hiding under the bed and attacking the dog whenever she walks by. There have been a couple nice moments where Spirit and Chaos will be sleep with me. One on each side mind you. If Chaos crosses the imaginary line, the hissing and growling begins.
Spirit still rules the roost. Even Chaos realizes this and gives her a wide berth.
Rocket is finally learning that running away from Chaos is stupid. She will chase him. He's starting to stand his ground though eventually cowers. Considering he's a huge, mammoth cat, it's kinda funny that he's the biggest scaredy cat of the three.
Smalls wants absolutely nothing to do with the dog. She won't run, but she does everything in her power to avoid the dog.
And then there's Chaos, who just wants to have kitty friends to play with. She's so tolerant of the feline fits and except for the chasing when they run and a few nibbles into their food has been such a good girl.
I guess we just need more time!
How are you're pets doing if you have any?