Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Completed Draft

Saturday Tally

New pages written: 7
Old pages revised on paper: 0
Old pages revised on screen: Chapter 10
Pages of revisions typed in: 0
Pages lost or gained due to revisions: 0
Total page count to date: 218
Days remaining until D-day: 5
Emails from editor in UK: 0
Emails from agent in NY: 0
Emails from continuity loop: Maybe 1, too tired to remember

Chocolate consumed: Chunk of 72% dark chocolate (needed it to face Chapter 11)
Junk food consumed: none
Diet: not a lot of struggle today
Weekly weigh in: 133 (down 5 pounds total)
Exercise: 1 hour hike by myself.
Television watched: none
Tears: yes (told you these would be daily now)

I finished the complete and typed the words THE END at 8:45 PM. Of course, the manuscript is unrevised and not polished so mucho amounts of work lay ahead of me during the next five days. Ideally I like to do a revision draft first and then a final polish through of the entire manuscript. As I've mentioned before, usually at this point I only have to revise what I'd just finished and then do the polish so this will be interesting to see how it works this time. But the main thing is I got to the end with enough pages and words a few days before D-day. Huge sigh of relief. Thanks for all the good luck wishes and support!

I've already started revising. I gathered out all my notes and critiques I'd been saving up and spread them out on the floor next to my bed since hubby was going to be going to bed. I printed out all 218 pages and got a pencil. I've started using a pencil to revise rather than a pen. I was so tired I skipped over the first three chapters since I need to be at my best to work on those.

Today after church I'll hit the beginning. I'd like to go on another hike, but that may have to wait until I get some work in.

Did anyone go see any of the new movies out this weekend? If yes, what did you see and what did you think? I haven't been to the movies since Christmas time when I saw The Nativity Story. Talk about movie withdrawal!