Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday Tally

New pages written: 5
Old pages revised on paper: 0
Old pages revised on screen: Chapter 6 (decided to add a character to a continuity scene and put it in her POV)
Pages of revisions typed in: 0
Pages lost or gained due to revisions: 0
Total page count to date: 150 (goal: 200)
Days remaining until D-day: 17
Emails from editor in UK: 0
Emails from agent in NY: 0
Emails from continuity loop: 2

Chocolate consumed: No more chocolate allowed due to diet, but I'll keep this here in case I cheat.
Junk food consumed: See chocolate.
Diet: no cheats
Weekly weigh in: 136 (down 2 pounds)
Exercise: none
Television watched: Heroes
Tears: no
Link for the day: If I find one later, I'll add it in. If you didn't check out yesterday's link, do! I still can't believe someone used my book for an analysis like that. Very cool!

An okay day yesterday. Lost a few hours in the afternoon, but still managed a few pages. Today I will try and whip Chapter 7 into shape. It's a mess of scene fragments and notes from the synopsis.

I watched Heroes. Another great show that was jam-packed and left us on the edge of our seat for the season finale next week. Two Heroes bit the dust last night. I have a feeling more will follow. And that makes me a little sad. No job security on this show!

Loved how Hiro's father taught him how to fight with a sword. You could glimpse moments of the future Hiro on his face as he learned the art of sword fighting. The flash back to when he was a boy and hearing about his fave story was very cool, especially when he related cutting out his heart to his current situation.

Poor Ando! I'm afraid he will die just like in the future show unless Hiro gets there in time. Nikki returned with a vengeance only to lose her husband. I just hope she finds her son. I'd figured out last week what they wanted Micah for (fix the ballot machine) and my instinct was spot on. Just like I knew that the Las Vegas jerk would heal Nathan's wife once he showed his power, but the way they did that was nice.

What did you watch last night?