Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday Writing

New pages written: 5
Old pages revised on paper: 0
Old pages revised on screen: 0
Pages of revisions typed in: 0
Pages lost or gained due to revisions: 0
Total page count to date: 155 (goal: 200)
Days remaining until D-day: 16
Emails from editor in UK: 0
Emails from agent in NY: 0
Emails from continuity loop: 0

Chocolate consumed: No more chocolate allowed due to diet, but I'll keep this here in case I cheat.
Junk food consumed: See chocolate.
Diet: no cheats
Weekly weigh in: 136 (down 2 pounds)
Exercise: none
Television watched: none
Tears: no
Link for the day: None right now. If I find one later, I'll add it in.

Today is my busy day when I'm not home at all so I decided to get up even earlier (before 6 am) and get a little writing in.
In theory it sounds like a great idea. In practice, not so much. I'm really tired, but I'll give it my best shot! I need to meet or exceed my page goal with my Wednesday writing.

Yesterday went well writing wise. Hubby had a meeting last night and I wanted to write but not stick kidlets in front of TV so I stuck them in our bathtub instead. It was almost ninety outside so hot. They played, came in and got their swimsuits on and goggles. They had a blast in our soaking tub. Best thing, I can see it from my bed. So I worked and they played in the water!

Chapter seven is almost there. I have four scenes. Need to finish two of them. What I'm working on right now is coming up with questions for a game Serena and Kane have with them. The game is called Twenty Tantalizing Bedroom Teasers. It comes from the first book in the continuity series by Shirley Jump. She only names the games so it's up to me to turn it into a game they can play. Anyone have any ideas for it?

Have a great day!