Monday, January 07, 2008

This Week's Book Winner is...

Sorry for the delay in posting the contest winner, but yesterday was the last day of vacation for hubby and the kidlets so I played hooky from blogging and blog hopping.

Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2008-01-07 16:22:11 UTC

This week's win a book winner is Brandy. She won with a comment on my "And the free book goes to" post. Brandy, please pick a book off the list here and email me your choice and snail address. If you wait a day or two, I should have a couple of new books added. I never got around to it this week. Thanks!

Last week's winner, Marianne, chose The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt.

Everyone was hoping for snow today and the kids wore their snow rally jammies to bed again. Unfortunately, the forecast changed so all are back to school and work. That means me, too. My Monday class resumes today. I have a proposal to write. Crossfit WOD to do. And books to mail. I haven't sent any since before Christmas break!

As I was putting away Christmas decorations yesterday, I put on The Nanny Diaries. It was one of the movies I'd picked up the other day from the video store. I'm glad I was multi-tasking because I probably wouldn't have finished watching the entire thing had I been just sitting and watching. I didn't like it at all.

Last week I asked what movies people recommended. Are there any you don't recommend?