Thursday, January 17, 2008

Crossfit - Lynne

Today's WOD is called "Lynne" and consists of:

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

Yeah, right. I didn't even know what a bench press was until hubby explained it to me last night. No way can I learn and do that, I thought. I was going to have to wait to see what BrandX came up with, which was:

do 5 rounds of
max push ups
max pull ups or jumping pull ups

Do 3 rounds:
max push ups
max pull ups or jumping pull ups

Okay, I can do that. Not doing real push ups, of course, but box ones and jumping pull ups. Though the "max" scared me a little. That meant you were really supposed to push yourself. BrandX said you should be falling off the bar. That sounds like it would really hurt. I work hard, but there are times I could probably push myself harder. Having a trainer is good for that.

I did my usual 500 m row and 2 rounds of warm-ups (Samson stretch, overhead squats with PVC pipe, sit-ups, push ups, pull ups, ring dips/jumps.)

I was going to do Buttercups, but decided to try Puppies. I did box push ups as best as I could. My arms and legs were shaking at the end of each round. Here's what I did for the five rounds (push ups/JPU)


I'm sore. I really pushed it, but this was my last workout at the garage gym until we get back from Disneyland so I didn't want to wimp out. Of course, I'm climbing at 9 this morning. It'll be interesting to see how I do!

Have a great day! Do something physical, whether it's a workout or walking a flight of stairs, if you can!

Update/note to self - A max Crossfit WOD and climbing the same morning is not a good idea.