Friday, January 11, 2008

Crossfit - Skills day

Today's WOD is Diane which consists of 3 rounds of deadlifts and handstand pushups. I'd learned deadlifts, but had only done them the day I learned them and never in a WOD. I emailed the Climbing Cutie for advice on weight. My max weight that first day had been 65 lbs. CC suggested half my body weight. (This corresponds within a couple of pounds to my previous max weight.) I also studied the videos last night to figure some alternate handstand pushup I could do and decided on the feet on a box ones.

I arrived at the garage gym to find the door down, but two other cars there. A new guy who started this week, Father and I were it.

I did my usual warm-up: 500m row and 2 rounds of the official Crossfit warmup. You're supposed to do three, but I'm just not there yet if I want to have a chance at completing the WOD and not meeting Mr. Pukie.

Since the other guy and I are newbies, Father decided to make this a skills day. He went through the deadlift with us using 65 lbs. Then instead of the WOD, he wanted to teach us the back squat, something I'd never done. We used a 45 lb bar. I still can't get low enough with my squats. After we had both learned the movements and done a few reps, Father had us do a mini WOD.

3 rounds (not for time)
5 back squats (45 lbs)
5 deadlifts (95 lbs)

I did it! 95 lbs. Yay for me! And though it was harder than the 65 lbs, I never felt like I wouldn't be able to do all the reps. Though the final one on round three I did take a pretty good pause and a couple breaths before lifting!

Father said the two of us will now be ready for future WODs that have these two exercises. I can't wait!