Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

I really can't believe 2008 is here. 2007 remains a bit of a blur with all I had going on. I hope this new year is less hectic. A calm twelve months would be nice.  I'd even take a calm couple of months!

Let's see how I did with last year's resolution. Here were my 2007 New Year's resolutions:
1) Write everyday on a story (blogging and email do not count!)   I did not write everyday.  Not even close.  But I did finish three manuscripts.  That has to count for something!
2) Finish my non-category novel by the end of the year (this is the story I worked on during NaNoWriMo)  Nope.  I did do a little work on it, but really had no time or energy due to the three books I'd contracted to write.
3) Exercise three times a week (need a set number of times so I actually do it!)  The exercise was hit or miss.  Most weeks I managed two times.  Once I started Crossfit (until I got sick) it was three to five times.
4) Lose 15 pounds (being more specific should help me!)  I lost 15 pounds, but then gained back five.  I realized the scale doesn't always tell the story so I'm not going to worry so much about the number any more.
5) Keep in better touch with friends (this one should always be there, IMHO)  I did try to do this.  I'm sure I could have done better.  Deadline time got in the way big time.  Some understood.  A couple didn't.  Deadlines aside, a few people never responded to emails or phone calls.  At least I tried to keep in touch!
6) Be even more patient with kidlets (a good one to have again with all the deadlines I'm facing this year) and the hubby (I'm adding him this year due to all the deadline dementia coming up.)  I asked the kidlets how I did on this one.  They said I was more patient with them than in 2006.  Yay!  Of course, I know I wasn't as patient with hubby so I guess this resolution really wasn't met, either.  He takes the brunt of my impatience and I really do need to work on that.

Bummer.  I really didn't do well with my 2007 resolutions.  Let's hope I do better in 2008.  Here they are:

Writing resolutions/goals
1)  Write two really good category romances
2)  Start writing a non-category spec novel 
3)  Be more disciplined with my writing
4)  Be more productive with my writing (i.e. meet set page goals for a given project)
5)  Meet all deadlines
6)  Improve my writing craft
7)  Redesign my website

Health and fitness resolutions/goals
1)  Eat healthier (give The Zone a serious try once the kids go back to school)
2)  Sleep at least six hours a night (even during deadline time!)
3)  Do at least 3 Crossfit WODs a week so I'll be able to do Kim's 12 Days of Christmas Workout next December and be able to do all of the exercises (except maybe the handstand pushup!)
4)  Climb Mount Hood
5)  Climb a 5.10 rock climbing route

Personal resolutions/goals
1)  More patience with family (especially hubby)
2)  Read 52 books this year (one a week)
3)  Make more time for family, friends and fun
4)  Remember to fill the well (the creative well!)
5)  Grow closer to God

Okay, I've listed many more things than in 2007, but maybe now I'll have better a chance at achieving one in 2008.  

I'd like to thank everyone who takes the time to read this blog.  I'd especially like to give a big hug to those who post comments.  You've become treasured friends and I'm so glad I've gotten (and am getting!) to know you.  You are true blessings in my life and I appreciate each and every one of you!  I hope 2008 is the year dreams come true for all of us.

I also want to thank Patricia for including Win, Lose or...Wed! on her list of Favorite Reads in 2007! Boy, I love when google alerts brings news like that. I was all smiles yesterday when I saw that!

As for our New Year's Eve, we rang in 2008 at a friend's house celebrating both the New Year and his 40th birthday with people from the kidlets' school and church. Our priest was there for a little bit, too. The food was delicious, but I must admit the birthday cake was the best thing there. White cake with white fluffy icing. Yum! The kids celebrated New Years at 9 (pacific time) with a babysitter by watching the ball drop in New York, drinking sparkling cider from glass champagne flutes and eating ice cream sundaes.

I was so tired when we got home last night. We'd managed to sneak in Zoolights after all. We arrived at the zoo at 4:30, discovered it was free admission night, bought train tickets and got in line. Tom's brother and girlfriend met us there. We stayed a couple of hours and then drove home so we could attend the party.

This morning we attended 8:30 am Mass since it's a Holy Day of Obligation (the Solemnity of Mary.) Hubby said he tried to wake me up around 7-ish, but I didn't even acknowledge him. I woke up at 8 and even the kids were still asleep. Still we all managed to make it to the church in time. I'm going to consider getting us up and ready so quickly my Crossfit WOD!

Later today, the five of us will be attending a party at the home of one of my climbing friends. I need to make something to bring, but can't decide what yet.

What are you doing to kick off the New Year?