Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another Winner!

Another Sunday, you know what that means. Another free book winner.

A big welcome to everyone who posted a comment for the first time! And thanks to everyone else for posting comments so I'm not so all alone during the day!

Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2007-10-15 02:34:02 UTC

This week's free book winner is AnneD who posted a belated, but winning comment on my Snack Time post. Anne, please pick a book off the list here and email me your choice and snail address. Thanks!

Last week's winner, Lily, chose Make Me A Match by Diana Holquist. I sat next to Diana during one of the lunches at RWA National Conference in Dallas. She's a really fun person. I hope you like the book. She was generous enough to autograph a copy for me that's in my TBR stack and one for me to give away here on the blog.

Sorry for the late posting. I was a very good writer and spent the day hard at work with only a few short breaks. One for Mass, another to set up my classroom after lunch and a third to teach my class tonight. After dinner, I'll write some more. The words are flowing and it feels great!

So I didn't mention that I actually hurt myself in Pilates class Friday. Rug burned knee, twisted ankle, bruises galore and a huge goose egg on the back of the head. I'm actually lucky since I crashed into a mirror and it didn't shatter, cutting me to shreds. We were doing jumps and stuff on a row of Bosu balls and got going very fast. My foot slipped and I went flying. Literally. My co-teacher tonight saw my bruised and raw knees and said she wished someone had been videotaping it because it would have been hilarious to watch. Gotta love someone who tells it like it is.

But she's probably right. It must have been spectacular looking because the studio owner just called to check up on me. Yes, this could only happen to me. Might as well share it with my closet friends and a bunch of strangers googling "naked bottoms", "Melissa naked" and a whole bunch of other weird stuff. All I could think about as I was lying on the studio floor was what Climbing Cutie had told me once. He said, "Friends don't let friends do Pilates." Cutie may be onto something.

Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!