The back cover copy, however, rocks. A big thank you and hug to whoever wrote the teaser. Here's what it says:
This would be the most amazing and romantic race of the lives!
After being dumped so publicly, Millie Kincaid never wanted to see Jace Westfall or be on reality TV ever again. But she finds herself on Cash Around the Globe-with Jace! Although she doesn't trust him, to win they must work as a team.
They race around the world, tested to their limits, and everything is captured on camera-including their stolen kisses! Can they determine what is real and what is just for TV? And, with the finish line in sight, will they win the one thing that money can't buy?
In case you haven't guessed, this is my book that pays homage to my favorite reality television show, The Amazing Race. I was inspired by other reality TV shows, too. The kernel of this idea actually began during one of the seasons of The Bachelor. Thanks to a friend who worked with the roommate of a contestant, I got a peek into what went on behind the scenes, and I knew I wanted to use that in a book someday.
Do you watch any reality television? What are your favorite reality TV shows?