Today I'm going gym climbing again. That makes three days in a row! Yesterday was my good friend Tiffany's birthday and today we're celebrating. That's the reason for my shopping yesterday afternoon! Care to guess what I got her? We are going to climb then have lunch at one of Tiffany's fave restaurants Mother's in downtown Portland. It should be a fun day!
Oh, and before I forget. Here's this morning's Crossfit workout. I'm a little sore but nothing like last Thursday.
Warm-up - 10 lb D ball throws and run, Inch worms across floor, spider stretches
Workout of the day (WOD):
Jump rope 50-40-30
Goblet squats (10 lb) 15-12-9
Ring rows 15-12-9
Push press (7.5 lbs) 15-12-9
Time: 12:35
Hope you are having a relaxing Tuesday! I know I'm looking forward to a little down time this afternoon so I can write and maybe nap.