Since I'm bleeding, I'll make it short. I'm making progress on the To Do list. Here's the updated version:
1. 4th Grade Art Project (due early March)
b. Burn
c. Trace top design (waiting to be given this)
d. Burn top design
e. Paint inner work
f. Have 17 kids paint their pictures
g. Paint top design
h. Stain
i. Varnish
j. Have mirror installed
h. Have hardware to hang frame installed
4. Read
5. Write Princess Nobody proposal (no deadline, but should have been sent in January)
7. Finish Disneyland Trip Report (for here and Disney forum)
8. Mail free book winner (Nathalie) her book. Brandy, too! I did buy new padded envelopes so no more delay!
Still lots to do, but progress. I'm going to climb today. I need to do something physical. Other than that I will be wood burning and trying to sneak in a few chapters of the current Rita book I'm reading.
How is your To Do list coming along?