Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Back

I wish it was Angus who had returned, but unfortunately it's the frame. (Cue ominous music here.) I need to get it finished. What's left to do?

1) Touching up 5 pictures
2) Painting inside frame edges alternating black and white rectangles
3) Putting on wood conditioner (front and back)
4) Sanding (front and back)
5) Cleaning all the sawdust off (front and back)
6) Staining (front and back)

I hope to be done tomorrow so I can hand off the frame to the dad who built it so he can put on the varnish. We still need to have the mirror installed and the hardware to hang it. Due date is the morning of the 15th. The auction is that night.

My goal is to have all of the things above done by Friday. Tomorrow. Big gulp!

Wish me luck!

Do you have any projects you're working on right now? When do you want them done?