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Only the great room and kitchen remain on my weekend cleaning quest. (I'm not counting the dining room, which was spotless until I started using the table to sort through my office and craft supplies.) I had big plans to finish up yesterday, but I had to get some pages written and work on some prelim pages (the pages at the front of the book before the title page) for the Vegas continuity. It's really bugging me the downstairs isn't all clean!
But I'm going to try to get at least half of my required pages written first. Such dedication! LOL! I wish. I'm just trying to stay ahead of my schedule.
You might remember me mentioning my good friend Elizabeth Boyle's The Plan before. Well, the truth is, I never could make it to the end of one of my plans. I'd last a couple of weeks, but that was all. I never could figure out why, because the idea behind The Plan is really sound. It makes so much sense to my engineering brain. But something in the execution of it just wasn't working.
So I modified The Plan to work for me.
Actually I simplified it. A lot. And made it completely low tech. Non-tech really. Think goodbye fancy spreadsheet, hello pencil and paper.
My plan is hand written into the little 5 1/2 in x 8 1/2 in spiral notebook I'm never without. It consists of three columns (October, November, December) with the days of the month written on each line. Next to that is my page goal in parenthesis. Before each of the days that correspond to Mondays, I have where I should be with my total word count if I meet my daily goal. Each night before I go to bed, I write down # pages written/# words written (total words in ms.)
I don't know why the Excel spreadsheet didn't work, but I'm not complaining about my hand scrawled version of The Plan at all. It's working. I'm four days ahead of where I should be in spite of my cleaning frenzy the past couple of days! Now all I have to do is keep it up. Fingers crossed!