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There comes a time in the writing process when a deadline feels like a two ton weight pressing down on me. My writing time is limited so when I find time to sit at the computer I want to work. My sleep time is even more precious so when I'm in bed with my eyes closed I do not want to be disturbed by human or animal.
Interruptions don't usually bother me. That's part of being a wife and mom, but when I'm under pressure and feeling a tad panicked, they are just too disrupting.
On Sunday, Hubby had set his alarm for the wee hours of night/morning because he had to be at church. When he got up, he forgot to turn off the alarm, so I woke to the radio blaring at 3 am. I'm the antithesis of a morning person, but I never could fall back asleep though I tried. I ended up losing writing time on Sunday afternoon because I needed a nap in order for my brain to function so I could work on the book.
Needless to say, I've had to set a few rules for the family to follow during this deadline week when I'm writing or sleeping.
Fire and blood gets you immediate attention. Hunger, if it's meal or snack time gets you fed. Everything else must wait.
The two oldest are doing pretty well with it. The youngest, not so much. She couldn't understand why I wanted to keep typing yesterday instead of discussing her birthday...not until January.
Only a few more days left to go.