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My mommy had started writing her blog by posting a picture of a kitty at a computer, but was so tired she fell back asleep. Once I saw the picture, I knew it was a sign for one of us to finish the blog for her. So here goes...
I'm Rocket.
I'm mommy's handsome cat. I'm big-boned, not fat, no matter what my Aunt Christa and cousin Connor think. I'm also Mommy's smart kitty. If you don't believe me just ask my her. Well, not now because she's asleep. You can ask her once she wakes up.
Mommy loves me so much more than her other two kitties. I'm the one who guards her and naps with her and gives her love and greets her when she gets home. She always gives me the milk from her cereal bowl. Yes, I'm number one around here.
She definitely loves me as much as, if not more than, those three things that sort of look like her. We (her first children) all thought those other three would go away, but years later they're still here and keep getting bigger. I just don't understand what mommy sees in them. They aren't soft and furry at all. And talk about needy. They're almost as pathetic as that other four-legged creature who lives here. At least the boy doesn't eat my food anymore. That was annoying. He even had his own food bowl and a special chair to eat it in. Why take mine?
Don't even get me started on the doggie. Pathetic creature that it is. No way does mommy love it one bit. How could she? It won't leave her alone. It sleeps with her. It's always by her. It lays in front of the shower when she's in it. Okay, we do that too, but we were here first. It even sleeps by the door until she gets home.
It's pathetic the way it looks up at mommy as if she were the sun in its pathetic little universe. It doesn't realize that we're the sun. The house, the entire world revolves around us. The cats. Not that it matters. Soon the pathetic doggie will be history.
Yes. That thing aka Chaos will be going away soon. Far, far away. Our new plan is going to work.
I have no doubt it will work because I'm not only a smart cat I'm a cool cat. Yep, a smart, cool cat. How do I know this? Because I'm writing this blog on a Mac. Smart, cool cats would never use a PC.
But don't tell my daddy. He still uses a PC. He doesn't like Macs. But last night his PC wouldn't boot up.
Hmmm, I wonder if I should see if I can get his PC working before he wakes up. I wouldn't mind another bowl of milk this morning.