Saturday, March 24, 2007

Catching Up

The birthday party at a jjjump was a success. Mackenna is happy she's nine and thrilled with all the presents she received. All three kidlets are spending the weekend at my parents'. And tonight's the auction.

Today, I've been cleaning. You could barely walk on my side of the room due to all the paper on the floor. I spent an hour folding clothes. Something I neglected all week long. I've been going through piles of clutter, too. Amazing how fast stuff piles up. And once I get back from my pedicure and manicure, I'll start in my office and work my way up trying to get the house back in shape after being neglected for way too long.

I realized before I dove back into the book some general domestic maintenance and catching up was necessary otherwise it wouldn't happen until June. Or maybe December since once this book is done I'll go right into another. I really should get back on the flylady program. Those baby steps, break down cleaning/decluttering into smaller tasks, really worked for me.

A writer friend has a book due this coming week. I emailed her a few words of encouragement and support, adding, "Give me a holler if you need anything?" Her reply, "How about a spare 20,000 words:-)" Gotta love a writer on deadline!

I'm so not domestic. What about you? Are you a cleaner? Organizer? Or are you just a chronic clutterer like me who thinks having a housecleaner is a necessary part of a family's budget?