I've been telling myself for the last week that I was just at the tail end of the sinus infection, that I was getting better. But when hubby got home from his trip and said I looked and sounded worse than when he left, I knew I'd been kidding myself. The fact I couldn't swallow, hardly breath and had a pounding headache should have clued me in sooner. Anyway, I went back to the doctor this morning and am now on stronger antibiotics plus they gave me cough syrup for which make hubby happy since I kept him up last night. I'm hoping the new medicines do the trick because not only do I have a book to write, but an auction catalog for the kids' school. Both due the same week. Poor planning on my part!
I splurged on some chocolate. A box of Ho-ho's and chocolate cupcakes, actually. I realized I'd seriously been lacking in my chocolate consumption and wondered if that was having a negative effect on my page output. Now I have no more excuses. I'm all set to get back to writing.
Are you a good patient when you're sick? Do you go the doctors when you start feeling poorly or do you wait until you have no choice?