Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Work in Progress

I got up early this morning to work on the book. Wednesday is the day I only have about 45 minutes at home between 9:00 am and 3:15 pm so I figure it would be good to try and write. Of course, I'm in such a funk all I can do is stare at chapter four so I figured I'd blog instead. So much for discipline. Hard to believe a week ago I stayed home from skiing and wrote a ton of pages! Maybe what I need to do is move to the mountains! Nah, I just need to keep at it.

No matter how much I might complain, I love writing. I couldn't imagine not writing. And this does happen every book, though never this extreme, this early. That's probably the problem. I'm not ready for such frustration or tears or insert-negative-feelings-here until it's closer to deadline time.

Hubby brought me home a Hershey's bar with Almonds last night. That helped. I also jumped ahead to the last chapter and filled in a little on the heroine's dark moment since I was in that weepy, angsty kind of mood. But now, I'm going back to Chapter 4 and make it work! Let's hope by the end of hump day, I'm moving onto Chapter 5!

Here's one of the songs I used for the book soundtrack of Marriage for Baby that I listened to last night. It made me feel better. Are there songs that make you feel better?