Back when I was in college, I invited a bunch of friends over to my house, actually the house of close friends of my parents who treated me like a daughter during my four years at Stanford and happened to be out of town this particular weekend. We arrived on Saturday afternoon. We BBQ'd, drank and watched movies including Buckaroo Bonzai. One friend, who was Jewish, had never dyed Easter eggs so we did that. In the morning, I attended Mass while everyone slept. I stopped off at a bakery and a store and then returned home with all the fixings for Easter Brunch. It was the first time I'd ever had to put on a holiday.
Another Easter, one of my closet friends and coworkers (and also my oldest's godfather), Alan, came home with me to spend Easter at my parents' house. We were standing outside the church waiting for the Easter Vigil to begin. They had lit a fire to begin the service. The solemn silence was suddenly broken by an older gentleman, who yelled from his porch, "What the hell is going on out there?"
Yet another Easter I brought home hubby who was then just a guy I was dating. It was time to dye eggs even though we were almost thirty at the time. My sister is really into dying eggs. To this day, her eggs remain works of art. As we dyed eggs, she kept watching not-yet-hubby. With each passing minute, her anxiety level rose because his eggs weren't coming out quite so perfect. She started offering suggestions and trying to help him. She even took one of his eggs and redyed it. He, of course, knew exactly what was going on and proceeded to then make the ugliest Easter egg you've ever seen in your life. It was this hideous brown speckled thing. I seriously thought my sister was going to lose it. But since none of my family ever thought I would get married let alone bring a guy who was not "just a friend" home for a holiday, she wasn't about to say a word! Though if looks could kill, I'd probably still be single, living in my rent-controlled Marina District apartment at the corner of Beach and Scott writing stories in the walk-in closet I turned into a study.
These are a few of the Easter eggs we made last night. Hubby wasn't keen on the Star Wars theme, but I had a regular box of egg dye, too.
Have a wonderful blessed Easter!