Monday, November 12, 2007

Asleep at the keys

Last night I fell asleep not once, but twice at the keyboard. We're talking full on dreamland. Thank goodness I didn't roll over and drop my iBook off my lap!

The first time I fell asleep I'd managed to write approx. 1500 words before closing my eyes. I was so tired when I woke up I decided to call it a night, but as I was brushing my teeth, a couple of lines of dialogue popped into my head. I was hoping that I'd get a second wind so instead of going to sleep, I wrote again. When I woke up the second time I dozed off, I discovered I'd written 1964 words. So close to my goal of 2000 words, but I was too tired to continue plus I was starting to fear for the safety of my computer.

Yesterday I called my dad to wish him a Happy Veteran's Day. He was in the Air Force and served in the Korean War. We wanted to go to a parade on Saturday, but Mackenna had dance class. Did you do anything to commemorate Veteran's Day?

The kids are home today, but the only two things on the agenda are the class I teach (I'll take kids with me) and climbing tonight. Due to the holiday, no Pilates so I plan to do a Crossfit WOD on my own. I would still like to make the 2000 word goal because I want to have my NaNo over with on November 15th so I can get rewriting. I'll bring back the tally so I can keep track of my progress to December 1st.

There are all these great topics I'd love to blog about: the Flickr/Virgin Mobile controversy, the WGA strike and the fact Google hired a masseuse (who is now a millionaire thanks to stock options) for their employees, but I really need to focus on the book right now.

Update: I found this link to a blog post about the WGA strike on a blog and wanted to share it with you. The link is definitely worth a read if you're interested in the strike.

Enjoy your Monday!