Saturday, November 10, 2007

Back on Track - 2301 words

Hubby's home and things are going much better. Even the cats seem happier. Our gray kitty, Spirit, had been perched on my Alphasmart case all week. She wouldn't sleep on my bed. Pretty much she didn't move. As soon as hubby walked into the bedroom, she was back on the bed being her old self. She spent last night at his feet, waking him up several times for rubs.

Yesterday was a good day all around. I enjoyed my Pilates class and got a great work out. I napped. Report cards came home and the kids were all smiles. I also had a nice phone call with my critique partner, Virginia, yesterday. She has a very cool paranormal romance series coming out called Children of the Sea and is currently writing one of the books, Sea Fever. It's fabulous. The hero, Dylan, is a selkie and oh-so-sexy.

The best part, next to hubby getting back, was surpassing my goal of 2000 words and turning off the lights at 11 pm to go to bed. Two big accomplishments for me. I was really having doubts yesterday about how much I could do so this was a huge confidence boost.

Last night's writing involved a kiss so that may be why the words were flowing so easily. Have I mentioned how much I like my hero, Jake? Of course, I have no idea how much work it's going to take to turn what I wrote into something publishable, but I don't care. I just want this manuscript finished so I can get to the real work...rewriting it.

Today is Irish dance and a swim meet. Neither are conducive to NaNo writing due to all the interruptions and noise. I'm thinking of starting at the beginning of the manuscript and working through that instead of getting frustrated when I have trouble writing new stuff. Then when I get home, I'll do my NaNo writing. At least that's the plan. We'll see how it works.

Hope everyone has a great Satuday! The sun is shining here. A nice surprise since I thought they'd forecasted rain this weekend!