Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My NaNoWriMo is Over!

Last night I finished my version of NaNo. I ended up with 2105 words for the evening giving me a total of 20453 words since November 2nd. (I didn't write anything on 11/1.) Not bad. I'm still a little short word count wise, but I need to rewrite what I've got before I add more scenes. Thanks for all your encouragement and support! It really does make a difference. I'll bring back the deadline tally tomorrow so I can keep track of the pages I still need to revise and eventually write, but I need a day where I don't have to think about how much writing I did or didn't do!

I visited to Borders with the kidlets on Monday. My oldest had two gift cards worth $30 and wanted to get the new Hannah Montana cd. I'd received a 40% off CDs coupon thanks to being a Rewards Card holder so it was perfect timing. I was curious what else she might buy. Since the cards were gifts, I wanted her to pick what she wanted (within reason since she's only 9.) She bought the CD, a High School Musical 2 novel and EB White's Trumpet of the Swan. I was pleased with her selections and didn't have to say a word.

I wanted to share this link to a cute blog article from Publisher's Weekly. It really does sound like a cute set-up for a book or a movie. What do you think? And what would you think if you were the girl of his dreams on the subway?

Okay, time to get the kids fed and off to school! Take care!