Here's the tally for today:
New pages written: 6 (goal: 6.4 pages)
Old pages revised on paper: 0
Pages of revisions typed in: 0
Pages lost or gained due to revisions: 0
Total page count to date: 85 (goal: 200 pages)
Days remaining until D-day: 44
Emails from editor in UK: 0
Emails from agent in NY: 0
Chocolate consumed: The remaining Junior Mints and 2 oreos
Junk food consumed: none
Exercise: An hour teaching 18 4-5 year olds
Television watched: The Emmys (YAY! LOST WON!!!! Only three more days until it premieres!)
Pictures of Hayden downloaded: none
Okay, I was half a page short from meeting my goal, but I'm not complaining. I could have turned off the TV, but I had to see whether LOST won. It's my favorite show. Of course, my hubby said the show is taped so why not just check on-line, but I'm a sucker for award shows. Plus I'm still ahead of page goal since LauraP's plan called for taking weekends off, but I haven't.
Today I managed to connect with a friend who is helping me with the leukemia research for this book. We've been playing phone tag all week. She answered my questions and gave me so much helpful information. I couldn't wait to get to work once I hung up the phone. I will admit that these past couple of days it's been difficult to put the children battling ALL out of my mind. Although the cure rates have increased to nearly 80% with the proper treatment, it's a horrendous journey for these courageous children and their families to endure. My heart just aches them and I pray they never hear the word "relapse."