Yesterday was a very good day! The trilogy proposal got accepted. We finally got it right on our third attempt and idea. Huge sigh of relief. This was an over-arching proposal. That means it was about the three books in general with a synopsis for each of the three books (no chapters.) Now I just have to wait to hear from my editor about any changes to my story!
I also finished my RITA books. The scores have been input on-line. I am done! I can cross that off my To Do list. Only two things left on that. The final Disneyland report and writing my new book! Can you see the big smile on my face? At least until I make a new list.
And the hardcover (library) versions of my upcoming June release, SOS Rescue Me, arrived in the mail. It always feels good to hold an actual book in my hand and not just manuscript pages!
This morning, I'm going to attend the final day of our church's Lenten Mission. The priest who came over for dinner last night is giving it. After that I'm going shopping! I have two more baskets to make for the school auction. An Easter basket and a Romance and Chocolate Basket. The later will include two of my books. I have to remember which ones I put in last year so I don't repeat it!
Okay, better get going! Have a great day!