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My furbabies definitely felt neglected yesterday. I had two sessions at church to do, an appointment, driving the kids around, etc. That's why Wednesdays are so crazy. I have little to no time at home and even less time to write or for myself. I was so tried when I picked up the kids from swimming I decided Burgerville sounded really good for dinner so I made a quick detour through the drive-thru on the way home.
I'd had so much stuff to do last night: going over some writing kids did at school so I could turn the pages back tomorrow, working on revisions for my proposal, class work for the on-line course I'm taking, reading.
I got two of the four done: the kids' pages and some reading. Then I crashed and crashed hard. I really needed the sleep. I think I need some more actually.
Today is the big day! My 14 year old leaves for her eastern seaboard trip. She's almost ready. I'm getting more nervous by the day.
Not much else to report. I slept in late this morning and it's my turn to drive the kids to class. Better get ready. Hope you have a nice day!