Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

We had a great time at Zoolights last night. A great way to say goodbye to 2006 and hello to 2007! Of course a new year means new resolutions. I went back to the archives. Here's what I wrote exactly one year ago today:

2006 New Year's resolutions:
1) Write everyday
2) Exercise regularly
3) Lose weight
4) Keep in better touch with friends
5) Be more patient with kids

How did I do? I wrote everyday though not always on a book which I'm assuming was my intention. I did great exercising, once I got around to it summer until I did something to my knee while walking hills. I lost weight for my college reunion only to gain most (but not all thankfully!) back. I did better than I had in the past keeping in touch with friends, but that's not saying much. I actually was more patient with the kidlets this year. So yay! Not all the resolutions were a total loss.

Here are my 2007 New Year's resolutions:
1) Write everyday on a story (blogging and email do not count!)
2) Finish my non-category novel by the end of the year (this is the story I worked on during NaNoWriMo)
3) Exercise three times a week (need a set number of times so I actually do it!)
4) Lose 15 pounds (being more specific should help me!)
5) Keep in better touch with friends (this one should always be there, IMHO)
6) Be even more patient with kidlets (a good one to have again with all the deadlines I'm facing this year) and the hubby (I'm adding him this year due to all the deadline dementia coming up.)

What are your New Year's resolutions?