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A box of presents arrived from my mother-in-law yesterday. The kidlets were so excited to have gifts under the tree that they weren't giving to each other.
I've yet to start wrapping the gifts I've purchased. It's hard when the kids are always around. I think I'm going to have to lock myself in my room or stay up late tonight. I can't put it off much longer or panic will set in.
At least I don't have as many gifts to wrap as in the past. A few years ago, about the time the economy tanked, my sister suggested we stop buying gifts for everyone (this amounted to 13 presents) and just do a white elephant exchange (gift limit $10) at our family Christmas gathering. We all had a blast doing it, especially all the kidlets, so have continued doing that. Much cheaper than what we did before and a lot more fun!
Do you have any gift traditions? We open one gift on Christmas Eve, and it's always jammies!