Saturday, December 04, 2010

A To Do Weekend

My Advent cleaning and Christmas preparations start today. Later than usual, but that's because of the deadlines I had last month. We try to get things up by the first Sunday in Advent, but that didn't happen this year or last. Pretty much, nothing really got done in November except writing. So today is my catch up on the To Do list day.

I had a couple of days mid-month in between turning in the complete and getting the revisions so I could clean a little then, folding laundry and restocking the pantry and fridge. But that wasn't nearly enough now that I've had another couple of weeks doing nothing. When hubby shops, he only buys what's needed for whatever meal we're going to eat. Not sure if that's a guy thing or his thing, but it's been like that for 15 1/2 years of marriage. I don't think it's going to change.

We did manage to get the chocolate Advent calendars for the kidlets so at least I haven't been a total failure at things around here.

I also cleaned out my closet again. I've found the first time I can't get rid of everything, but I'm not as attached the second time. (A lot like revising, actually.) If something didn't fit, it went into a bag. I need to lose weight (I've lost five pounds already), but most of the smaller stuff was a few years old anyway. No reason to keep it cluttering the space. If I get to my goal weight, I can buy stuff that fits and is more in style.

So that's my plan for today, what's yours?